Wednesday 3 April 2013

Day 41: Coconut Flour Flax Bread

I've spent the last few days hunting for a bread recipe. I flip flop between wanting to make a normal bread with a abnormal flour, then deciding to make a gluten-free recipe, but then they all have complicated ingredients I don't have. Actually, I mostly don't have yeast. All the recipes that didn't have anything weird had yeast, and I haven't felt like going to the grocery store. Not lazy, sick, I swear.

Anyways, I hunted down one today that I had everything for! Such a good reason to pick the first bread recipe to make, huh? It's very high in fat, with nearly a dozen eggs, flax, full-fat yogurt, and coconut flour! They're good fats, but they're fats. So maybe remind me to not eat too much at once...

I considered cutting back the amount of eggs, but I know you need extra liquid with coconut flour, so I just went with it.

Oh, did I mention I didn't sleep last night? Like, not more than two hours all told. So I've been a bit loopy, pretty grumpy, and just not able to function all day. I managed to whip this bread together and toss it in the oven, and that's about the extant of my cognitive abilities. Actually, I don't think making this bread was very intelligent. My plan was to go to the gym, come home, take a pill and go to sleep until I look like Rip Van Winkle. About the time I should have dragged my butt upstairs and gone to bed, I decided to make bread. As if that makes any sense. I just hope I get some sleep tonight...

Anyways! The bread! I found it here.

It's very flax-ey in flavour, and very very dense. Definitely yummy fresh and hot and slathered in butter, but probably not my go-to bread. But now I got my first bread out of the way, I'm unstoppable!

1 cup coconut flour, sifted
1 cup flax seeds, ground and sifted
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons baking soda
10 eggs
1/2 cup coconut oil, melted
1/3 cup plain full-fat yogurt (Actually, I used vanilla yogurt, because that's what I had, and I thought it was fatty enough. Turned out great.)
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar

Preheat your oven to 325F, and grease a loaf pan.

Mix together flour, flax, salt and baking soda. In a seperate bowl, whisk together eggs, coconut oil, yogurt and vinegar.

Pour the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients, mixing after each addition (I just left my stand mixer on low and slowly added spoonfuls.)

Pour into greased loaf pan and bake 50 minutes. Cool 10 minutes in the pan, then turn out onto a cutting board. Allow to cool completely before slicing.

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