Friday 22 March 2013

Day 29: One Month

Well, today marks one month. The 22nd. You know what? My birthday is the 22nd of June... Funny how that goes. The last month has been full of changes and learning experiences. It's been difficult and emotional, but not as hard I thought it would have been.

Honestly, eating at home is a stitch now. I mean, when we're low on groceries, it's frustrating because I can't just run out and grab something, but that's a habit I needed to break anyways. Grocery shopping is difficult, but is becoming easier. Eating out is really hard, and to be avoided as much as possible. Eating at friends' houses is the biggest one though. That's one I never even thought about. I'm a total mooch, and I have often spent entire evenings at a friend's house, and just eaten whatever they eat, or whatever they offer. But that's really off the table.

I'm getting better at carrying a snack with me. I switched purses from a tiny one to a gigantic one, so I've been carrying a Tupperware with a snack and a water bottle almost everywhere I go. That really makes a huge difference. I'm a total grump when I'm hungry.

I also find I'm hungry less. I'm eating normal amounts of food again, I think my body is finally accepting food the right way again.

The last month has been a process, and I know I'm nowhere near the top of that hill, but I feel I've accomplished something.

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